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Family Event - Y.E.S. (Youth Engaged in Service)

Updated: May 3, 2023

Sunday, May 7 from 5:00 - 7:00 pm, at the church

The Christian Education, Mission Outreach, and Music committees are planning a joint event to bring the families and friends of our church together to participate in a project to serve our greater community. This event reflects our new church Mission Statement by encouraging us to come together to Celebrate, Connect, Affirm, and Share with other church members, families, children, and friends! The event will include the following:

  1. Mission Outreach Project: We will assemble toiletry kits for the Central Mass Housing Alliance families who are currently living in the nine shelters run by CMHA. Please sign up here to bring toiletry items.

  2. Christian Education: A fun activity for all ages

  3. Music: Singing some favorite songs

  4. Food: Pizza and dessert

  5. Games: Fun for all! Come for all or part of it, and bring your friends!

Questions? Contact Sue Howell at or 508-596-7366

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