Sacrament of Baptism
Go and invite followers from all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)
The Sacrament of Baptism is an outward and visible sign of the grace of God. The promise of this sacred grace is extended to children, youth and adults. Within our faith community, Baptism with water and with the Holy Spirit acknowledges that those who are baptized have been received into the universal family of God and the global church of Jesus Christ.
At the Congregational Church of Grafton, baptisms are a congregational celebration. With joy, we welcome new members into the Body of Christ and our faith community during our Sunday worship service.
Considering Baptism for yourself or for a member of your family?
To begin the process of Baptism, please contact our Church Office by phone or by email to schedule an appointment with our Pastor, Rev. Dr. Barbara Therese, to share your faith journey and your desire to be baptized, as well as to schedule a date for the Baptism.
Contact our Church Office: 508.839.4513
Church Email:
With enthusiasm, we look forward to welcoming you into our faith community and the world-wide family of God through the Sacrament of Baptism!