God is love. Those who abide in love, abide in God.
And God abides in them.
(1 John 4:16)
Rich in history and New England charm, Grafton is an idyllic setting for a Central Massachusetts wedding. Here, at the Congregational Church of Grafton, between Church and Millbury Streets on the Grafton Common, you will find a beautiful venue where you may affirm your commitment to love each other and celebrate God's blessings in your life together.
A historic landmark in Grafton Center, our sanctuary exudes the warmth and stained-glass beauty consistent with a classic New England Congregational Church. An Open and Affirming Congregation, the Congregational Church of Grafton welcomes all who seek to be married in our sacred space. Our faith community surrounds you with joy as you honor the union of your love and your lives.
Wedding Ceremony
Congregational church weddings are presided over by the Pastor, the Rev. Dr. Barbara Therese. Services are planned in collaboration with the couple and the Pastor in the context of a Wedding Conference and with the guided assistance of our on-site Wedding Coordinator.
Wedding Music
Wedding music is coordinated by our skilled Church Music Director, Mr. Ron Sainio, and selections may be chosen in collaboration with him. Our sanctuary features an impressive pipe organ and a magnificent grand piano, which may be enhanced with additional musical instruments and vocalists.
Scheduling Your Church Wedding
To schedule a wedding, please contact our Church Office by phone or by email to determine the availability of our sanctuary and our Pastor. As well, you may consider the Grafton Common as a site for wedding photos. The historic Common, facing our church property, provides a lush and attractive backdrop for photographs of the wedding couple, attendants and guests.
Contact our Church Office: 508.839.4513
Church email: graftonucc@gmail.com
With joy, we invite you to consider our sanctuary as the setting for the celebration of your sacred vows!