Visiting a new church can be daunting and even intimidating. We seek to make your visit joyful and meaningful, not stressful.
When you enter our sanctuary on a Sunday morning, you will be greeted with a welcoming smile and offered a Sunday bulletin by a church Deacon.
Near the beginning of each worship service, you will hear these sincere words:
Wherever you are in your season of life,
wherever you are in your journey of faith,
you are welcome here!
If you have questions, we will try to answer them. Consider the “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQs) and answers below.
You are invited to speak to the Deacon, the pastor, and the people in the pew near you. If you are watching online, please comment so we can say hello and welcome.
All who are part of our faith community are committed to welcoming you
within our family of faith.
FAQs about Our Congregational Church in Grafton, MA
What time is the church service?
Our regular Sunday worship begins at 10 a.m. You may attend the service onsite, or virtually, via Facebook Live.
What happens during the church service?
Our worship service features prayer, singing, scripture and a Message. All are invited to give to and support the mission and ministries of our church. On the first Sunday of each month, all are invited to share in Communion.
What should I wear?
Some people wear their Sunday finest. Others wear their casual best.
All are welcome, regardless of how they are dressed.
How long does the church service last?
Our Sunday worship service lasts approximately one hour.
What happens after the church service?
Following our 10 a.m. worship service, all are invited to a Time of Fellowship in our Fellowship Hall to share in refreshments, conversation and new friendships.
Is the church accessible to those with mobility issues?
Our church is handicapped accessible from the Church Office entrance, via an operable lift.
I Am New Here

Are you thinking of joining our faith community?
We invite and welcome you into the membership
of the Congregational Church of Grafton!
We offer New Member Classes for those thinking of joining our family of faith. The series of three classes offers you the opportunity to share the story of your journey of faith.
Moreover, you may learn more about the history
of the Congregational Church of Grafton as well as
the theological background of the United Church of Christ. A church tour enlightens you on our church's historical artifacts -- including our underground river!
Please indicate your interest in joining our church to our pastor.
We look forward to traveling your journey of faith beside you!
Worship Service
Sundays 10:00 AM
Join us online for our Facebook LiveStream
See our archive of live-stream videos here:
>> https://www.facebook.com/UCCGrafton