Our faith community is structured and strengthened by eleven boards and committees who meet together, communicate together and create together so that the work and worship of our church may be faithful, hope-filled and loving:
Music Committee
Board of Trustees
Nominating Committee
Christian Education
Communications and Tech Team
Safe Church Committee
Mission and Outreach
Stewardship Committee
Membership Committee
Finance Committee
Moreover, the mission of our faith community is fortified and amplified by the on-site ministry of our Grafton Thrift Shop.
Furthermore, the outreach of our faith community is expanded by two annual events: our Harvest Fair and Apple Pie Social, and Grafton Celebrates the Holidays, where our church facility serves as a “Frosty Stop” to foster family, friendship, and fellowship within our greater community.
Finally, the gift of hospitality within our faith community is extended to three Twelve-Step Recovery Groups and nearly a dozen Scouting organizations that meet weekly within our sacred space.
A life lived for others is a life worthwhile.
Our faith community actively supports many local mission and community services, including:
Central Mass Housing Alliance
Grafton Food Bank
Operation Backpack (for local schools)
Operation Adopt-a-Family
Worcester Fellowship and Thursday Cafe
Dismas House
LGBTQ Asylum Task Force
Pernet Community Center
Crescent Manor Rest Home
Come be a part of bringing back goodness in our neighborhoods and in our greater community.
There is unity in community!


We do not live only for ourselves.
A thousand fibers connect us with humankind throughout the globe.
Our faith community is committed to serving needful individuals, families and nations in the world through these missions and agencies:
Heifer Project
Operation Friendship
Support Ukraine
Share in the most important mission of humankind:
To let people know they are not alone.
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.