WAMS Collection for Migrants in Worcester Area Shelters
The WAMS Collection for Migrants in Worcester Area Shelters is ongoing.We are collecting urgently needed items for women and children in the shelters - diapers, baby wipes, feminine hygiene products (pads only), baby formula, toothpaste, and deodorant. These items will be delivered to the distribution center each week.
A special request has been made for donations of Body Lotion, in addition to the diapers, baby wipes, feminine hygiene products (pads only), baby formula, toothpaste, and deodorant, that we have been collecting. These items will be delivered to the WAMS collection center each week.
There is a collection bin in the church kitchen marked for WAMS.
Grafton Food Bank Collection Basket
Food insecurity is an ongoing problem for many of our neighbors in the Grafton community. Please remember those in need when you do your weekly food shopping, and drop off canned and/or boxed food items in the collection basket on the counter in the church kitchen. Reverend Barbara will bring items to the Food Bank each month.
Worcester Fellowship resumes their Thursday Cafe this month (September). Every Thursday, from September to May, they reach out to homeless and at-risk adults to nurture community and provide pastoral care by providing a free hot meal, a place to relax and socialize, and a bagged lunch to take with them.
Our church has signed up to prepare and donate the bagged lunches on the third Thursday of each month. The first date is September 19th. Volunteers are needed to donate food items, help make the sandwiches, and pack the items in the bags. Watch for a Sign-Up coming soon!