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Capital Campaign Update 4/11/2024

1. We are making great progress! As of April 10, we have $43,830 pledged toward our goal of $50,000 from members and friends.

2. On March 20, the CPC voted to recommend that $120,000 be brought to the May 13th Town Meeting for final approval of the funds for our project. We need everyone to attend and vote for this funding to be approved. Your vote counts!

3. Look for our GoFundMe page and share it with all your friends!

4. IMPORTANT! Your pledges and donations are still important to reach our goal of $50,000. Donations and pledges will be accepted through the end of the year.

If you wish to make a pledge, you may email the church collector at Pledge payments or one-time gifts may be made by scanning the QR code below (PayPal or credit card), by mailing a check to the church, with “Capital Campaign 2024” on the memo line, or through our GoFundMe page.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

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