Wednesday, August 23 from 5:00 - 6:30 pm at the church
We are collecting donations of backpacks and school supplies, to be given to needy children in Worcester through WAMS (Worcester area Mission Society) and through CMHA (Central Mass Housing Alliance). Our hope is to fill at least 30 backpacks. We will gather at the church with members, friends, and the community on Aug 23 to play some Gaga, then come together to assemble and fill the backpacks. PIZZA and drinks are next, and will be supplied by the Membership Committee! Please invite your friends - all are welcome!
All items need to be brought to the church no later than Sunday, August 20. A large bin for the collection of these items is in the church kitchen. If you instead need to bring them directly to the event, please come early (no later than 4:45 pm) so that we can organize and lay out the donations prior to everyone else arriving.
The Mission Outreach committee will be contacting several large local retailers to ask for additional donations. Thanks, everyone!
For more info, please contact Sue Howell (508-596-7366 or suehow6oak@aol.com).