A Big THANK YOU to all for your generous contributions to the Thanksgiving Food Baskets! We have received and delivered 6 baskets along with gift cards to Pernet Family Health Services in Worcester. The families who receive them will enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving meal! See photo below.
Keep those socks coming!! So far, we have collected 51 pairs during the month of November! During the month of December, we would like to continue to collect as many pairs of men’s and women’s large white socks as we can! Please help us by bringing new pairs of white socks to the church – there is a bin in the kitchen labeled “Socks for Worcester Fellowship”.
We have also received a donation of $206 from Scout Troop 107 toward the purchase of white socks to add to our total for December! THANK YOU Troop 107!
Thank you to all of our dedicated volunteers each month who donate items and their time! Watch for a Sign-Up to donate lunch items or volunteer to help make bagged lunches in the church kitchen at 10:30 on Thursday, December 19.
The Christmas Giving Tree will be set up by Sunday, December 1, in the Fellowship Hall. Our family of faith wishes to bring some cheer to families and children in Worcester through Pernet Family Health Services, and to residents of Crescent Manor Nursing Home here in Grafton! Please take a tag, purchase a special Christmas gift item, and place your gift (unwrapped or in a gift bag with the tag attached) in the Sanctuary, under the tree, by Sunday, December 15. What a wonderful way to share the joy of this Christmas season!
Blessings to all!
The Mission Outreach Committee
