2024 Capital Campaign
Cherish our Past, Renew in the Present, Trust our Future
We are making GREAT progress!
1. As of March 25, we have raised $40,935 in pledges toward our goal of $50,000 from members and friends!
2. Andy Deschenes and Rob Lane spoke at the Community Preservation Committee meeting on March 20, on behalf of the church’s application for funding. After mention of a letter of support from Mass Historical Commission, a new updated budget, and the statement that over $40,000 had been pledged from our membership for this project, the committee voted to recommend that $120,000 be brought to the May 13th Town Meeting for final approval. If approved, the funding will be secured for the preservation of the church exterior. After July 1, the funds will be made available.
IMPORTANT! Your pledges and donations are still important to reach our goal of $50,000. Donations and pledges will be accepted through the end of the year.If you wish to make a pledge, you may email the church collector at aprild5850@yahoo.com. Pledge payments or one-time gifts may be made by scanning the QR code below (PayPal or credit card) or by mailing a check to the church, with “Capital Campaign 2024” on the memo line.
Thank you for your ongoing support!